Ernol Milirose
“Some people take strangeness in stride, but others find little worse than being outside the commonplace.”
“Ernol was born in the middle of an interfamily war of wills, an instant pawn in a game he had no interest in playing. His tale is not of overbearing expectation or unforgiving duty, which he craved, but rather an expectation to rebel. He was born to the prodigal son, not the demanding General or his more esteemed sons who enacted high stakes, strict rules and perilous demands of their children. There was nothing asked of him but to revel in the role of an upstart, to bask in the freedom he was offered outside the confines of Gha’alian expectation. Instead, he found himself craving for approval from Gha’alia. He embraced his grandfather’s legacy instead of his father’s, wishing to be a warrior more than an outcast. He has a blistering temper, indignant pride and unnerving determination, all of which thoroughly blinded by desperation.”